About Me

Brooklyn, New York
I'm Jackie. I'm from LA, and I love my filthy, traffic congested, polluted city of fake dreams. But, alas, the brat that I am, I am bored. So I want to live somewhere with all that, but worse. I will head East to Brooklyn, NY. I am starting this blog so everyone that wants to share in my successes or scoff at my misfortune, can follow me and my adventures. Because if nothing else, there will be adventures. I hope you find my blog equally entertaining and offensive. I'm just getting back on the writing horse, so cut me some slack, if I still suck in a month, call me out on that shit.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Ain't Foolin' Me

I am so happy right now, I could just explode.  At first, I must say I was a little jealous of the LA weather and the hot LA things I am missing, Doyer Opening Day, 90 degree bitching, etc...   but then I had to stop and take a look at the big picture...  

I got to sleep in today because I hired a very good friend of mine to cover me two days a week so I can actually get a day off.  I mean, working 50 hours makes me feel all hardcore and all, but gimme a fucking break and a breath please, money ain't everything.  So not only do I get days off, but I get to communicate with someone I had lost touch with for years.  So "winning" on that move.  I roll out of bed around noon and I'm already stoked, I have two "Missed Delivery" slips from the post office I have to go investigate, and I had only a slight idea of who they were from or where they came from.  Nothing is better than mystery mail, and you all know it.  
I check the weather remembering this huge crazy storm supposedly headed our way, forecast says light rain, 43 degrees, not so great, not so bad.  I shower, bundle up and head out.  Once you start walking, 43 degrees is not so cold and with a mist on your face it kinda makes you feel like a kid again, hopping and skipping with my scarf waving behind me.  I get to the post office and find not one, but TWO packages waiting for me.  I will not put on blast who they were from, not because its a secret, but because it was special.  Either way, they came from LA and it was the best care package ever, all the things a Jackie could need.  New skateboard trucks with NY approved street wheels, chelada mix, comics, stickers and shades.  Lets not forget the little "homie". I was beaming like a light bulb, and that was just the beginning.

My roomies and I have complete opposite schedules, we never share a day off, they do, but we never get "family time".  Until now.  Thursday is the new Saturday.  We had been planning for a week to hit up a store in SoHo/Chinatown called "Pearl River", Asian Import Extravaganza.  Google that shit and you will see what I mean.  Trinkets and toys and lanterns and candles and incense oh my!  We wandered wide eyed around the aisles, oohing and aahing over ninja swords, tea light lanterns, 75 cent coconut milk, jade statues, jars, vases, and most important, tapestries and bead curtains.  That was the goal of the mission.  My room has no doors, which equals no privacy, which means when I sleep in my bed, its like being asleep in the middle of the kitchen.  I sleep like the dead, but sometimes, the situation is just annoying.

I have been in my apartment for about a month 1/2 and at a loss as to how I was supposed to build privacy.  Well, thanks to a little brainstorming with Sage and Pearl River, it all happened tonight.  I bought 6 beaded curtains and 6 hanging tapestries and pretty much built a room out of that and twine.  It is beautiful. I have never been more proud of handiwork.  I put it together myself and now for the next 11 months, I am really home.  This is probably the lamest and most boring blog I will write for the rest of the year.  The point is,  I was not sad about it not being 95 degrees, I stomped around the streets of NY in the rain and loved it, bought a bunch of beautiful shit for dirt cheap, created a livable space, and now I am going to bed, and I am completely content.  If you know The Jackie, you know that is a rarity, I am just excited.  I am sure in the next few days I will have some snarky, bitter story for everyone that will definitely be more entertaining.  

And, thank every last damn one of you, because I am now over 1000 hits and that is just one more thing for me to be ecstatic about.  Enjoy your sunshine LA.  I do miss you, but I'm making ya proud..

1 comment:

  1. i am so happy you are so happy. damn you though! haha. send some of that happiness my way. LA's hot sunny weather aint so fun when you're shlepping a kid in a stroller uphill. the moment i put sunscreen on my sun damaged face, my sweat drips it off and it's time to reapply. :) 1000 hits means? 1000 ppl have read at least one of your blogs? wow. you are a superstar! i adore you and your writing. why do i keep feeling like NY may be where i need to be.... do you have roaches? i'm very opposed to roaches.
