About Me

Brooklyn, New York
I'm Jackie. I'm from LA, and I love my filthy, traffic congested, polluted city of fake dreams. But, alas, the brat that I am, I am bored. So I want to live somewhere with all that, but worse. I will head East to Brooklyn, NY. I am starting this blog so everyone that wants to share in my successes or scoff at my misfortune, can follow me and my adventures. Because if nothing else, there will be adventures. I hope you find my blog equally entertaining and offensive. I'm just getting back on the writing horse, so cut me some slack, if I still suck in a month, call me out on that shit.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NY vs. LA

When most people get to LA, the first thing I would hear is, "It's nothing like the movies."  No shit.  This city was built around movie studios, you know, sets, fake.  When you see New York, it's EXACTLY like the movies. To quote Sage, "You can't make this shit up..".  

The walking and the trains is what I think makes it the most real for me.  Everything, no matter how minute; the laundromat, the bodega(say it with me, BO-DE-GA), it all has significance. I live 2 blocks from the projects, which I thought would be a bigger deal than it is.  Same shit as everywhere else, don't make eye contact, carry about your business. Even though it is in an area that hipsters are slowly creeping in on, it is still mainly about the struggle.

I have mad respect for the skaters here.  If you ever want to complain about the streets in HlP, think again.  The streets here are sooo janky, and these crazy little hoodlums navigate these potholes like no other.   It makes me want to skate even more, but I am super tentative about it.  Like they said in Elf, "The yellow ones don't stop." And they don't.

I take the train 25 minutes everyday into the city, and let me tell you, its great.  I loved my car, but riding the train affords a whole other luxury.  The luxury of observation.  On the train you have nothing to do but look at people.  If you don't have a book, which I usually don't, I appreciate voyeurism.  So many different types of people take this train.  Especially since it's Brooklyn to Manhattan.  You can literally be and act however you want, and no one even looks twice.  Weirdos Paradise, let me tell you.

I realize this sounds completely NY bias..but shit.  I live here, I better feel that way :)

Ok, there is a lot more, but right now, work and train taking are my main activities in life.  Since I am barely, almost, stable, my new goal is pure observation.  I'm about to focus on others problems, instead of my own, so its about to get real REAL...Transition with me folks.  And I'm drunk... Mardi Gras everyone....

***Love to the homie's of their lost loved one***

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