About Me

Brooklyn, New York
I'm Jackie. I'm from LA, and I love my filthy, traffic congested, polluted city of fake dreams. But, alas, the brat that I am, I am bored. So I want to live somewhere with all that, but worse. I will head East to Brooklyn, NY. I am starting this blog so everyone that wants to share in my successes or scoff at my misfortune, can follow me and my adventures. Because if nothing else, there will be adventures. I hope you find my blog equally entertaining and offensive. I'm just getting back on the writing horse, so cut me some slack, if I still suck in a month, call me out on that shit.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Caulk Fest 2011

First things first, I worked 48 hours in 6 days last week, and the stress of not having my home was taking its toll on me.  I actually got sent away early one day last week for being as pale white as my shirt.  I used to average 13 hours of sleep a night in LA, I am now down to 4.  The hustle is much more important than shut eye right now. My job is going well.  But having to make decisions about someone else's business is a little bit tricky to say the least.  

The chef that I work with is completely cool, a born and raised New Yorker.  We are on the same page on pretty much everything, so he makes things really easy.  My other coworker, is beautiful with a great heart, but just needs a little more guidance than any of us care to or can provide. As a follower of this blog, I apologize kid.  My boss is a complete nutter, but in the most fantastic way possible.  He trusts us with everything and it is actually a pleasure to work for him, even if it is a 10 hour day.  we spend most of the day laughing and selling meat, I can't complain.  And any of our differences aside, I believe we are forming a very strong team that will make this business a success.

I am somewhat happy to report that I am finally in my new apartment.  It is good to have all my stuff in my own closet and to be able to wear a different outfit, as I have been wearing the same 5 for 2 weeks.  Tough or not, I like to look good.  But things are still pretty sketchy domestically.  The gangster ass roaches I spoke of before are relentless.  3 bug bombs, 2 packs of roach traps, an exterminator and 2 lbs. of boric acid later,  we are no longer afraid to sleep, but still a little weary of the kitchen. 

This apartment is old as all hell and I am pretty sure not everyone in the complex is as vigilantly committed to the cause as we are, so it is as you would expect.  It's a headache, but I am pretty sure in a few weeks time, we will be in charge in our own home.  HAHA.  Me and Sagey went on a caulk and Spackle frenzy today.  There are so many cracks, crevices, nooks and cranny's and we devoted our whole day filling them with some form of latex or silicone.  I also tackled the frightening feat of cleaning the stove, which was ground zero for the roach community.

The females that lived here before us hardly must have cleaned at all because that stove was a sight to behold.  Cooked on egg, grease, crumbs, jeez bitches, grab a Clorox wipe every once in awhile will ya?  I dove in industrial strength gloves first, armed with some 409 and the drive for total roach genocide.  I scrubbed, I scoured, I sweat, and no roaches.  After hours of crack filling and bleach soaking, we finally felt relaxed enough to put some contact paper on the shelves and our dishes in the cupboard.  

Sage went back to the commune to get the last of her and Tyler's stuff, I handled some last touches, showered and headed to the laundromat for some 1 AM laundry action.  I only have to walk 2 blocks, through the projects, and under a train overpass to get there, but I made it alive and rue the asshole that fucks with this girl and her clothes.  Upon arriving home I spotted the first roach of the night...a little confused baby hanging out underneath my discarded sock in the bathroom.  Then roaches 2, 3, 4 followed shortly after, right by the cupboard that I had so thoroughly tried to fix.  

We will not lose hope, nothing is cured in a day, and I feel very confident that we are taking all the right steps, plus our very cool neighbors from across the hall said that the problem is manageable, we just need the upper hand.  And I think we are almost there.  Oh, and, the neighbors also hooked us up with the internet, so I will be able to be more consistent with the posts.  And hope upon hope, tomorrow I will be able to relay some other stories not having to relate to offensive metropolitan insect infestations.